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Insect Control

SES Pest Solutions for Insect Problems

Some of the world's most resilient and notorious pests reside here in Alaska. Among those are bed bugs and cockroaches, which have a remarkable ability to survive and thrive, despite our best efforts to wipe them from existence. Other nuisance insects such as mosquitos, carpenter ants, stinging insects, fleas, earwigs, spiders, and spruce beetles are not only a bother, but they may also pose economic consequences due to their impact on customer public relations, cleanup costs, and infrastructure damages. It is imperative to address insect pest invasions promptly and efficiently. SES Pest is a certified and licensed professional service, employing Integrated Pest Management (IPM). This cost-effective and holistic approach minimizes the use of pesticides while ensuring the safety of humans, pets, and the environment.

Our work begins with a thorough inspection to identify the type of pest, assess the extent of the infestation, and locate entry points. Post-inspection, our techs will consult with the homeowner or property manager to discuss solutions. We use various pesticide application methods, including perimeter treatments, targeted spot treatments, and foundation-to-roofline applications, depending on the severity of the infestation. Our approach is combined with properly sealing access points to prevent further invasions.

After successfully abating the pest population, our techs will undertake the cleanup process, which may involve sanitizing certain affected areas and replacing materials damaged by insects, such as insulation and drywall. We offer a range of services, including annual preventive treatments, seasonal and recurring applications, or one-time pest applications tailored to your needs. We’re committed to providing reliable and efficient solutions for all wildlife pest problems.

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Image of wasp and insect control services.

Common Insect Pests

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Pest Consultation and Inspection Satisfaction Guarantee

SES Pest is dedicated to expertly managing and reducing nuisance insects through an in-depth understanding of various industry methods. We employ only the most effective and safe techniques tailored to your needs. While emphasizing integrated pest management and customer education, our techs will guide you in resolving your wildlife issue. For individuals unsure of an infestation, SES Pest offers free consultations, and if services are deemed unnecessary upon inspection, we often provide a significant discount for the service call.

Strategic Ecological Solutions is your local Alaskan, family-owned, comprehensive pest control and wildlife removal company. Our professional, prompt, and reliable techs have the integrity you can count on for a job done right – starting with a thorough inspection from the foundation to the attic. Afterward, we review our findings and discuss solutions with the homeowner to remove the intrusive pests and prevent reentry. Any cleanup, repair, or restoration work required due to wildlife damage is also discussed and further explored to find the best solutions to avoid returning invasions.

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